
Amy Clark-Davis

Member of Mullet Multiverse
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Raising Money For

Status Updates

£20.70 from Anonymous

Gift Aid +£5.18

£40.00 from Paul Davis

Gift Aid +£10.00

Well done Amy. Photos please 😊

£80.00 from Debbie

Oh this is going to be fun seeing you with a mullet but it’s for a great cause! Well done you for raising the money for Macmillan

I’m scared to cut my hair, but it’s worth it for Macmillan! Thank you x

£10.00 from emily lewis



£5.00 from Katie Hunt

£5.00 from Anonymous

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£450.22 raised

Target: £450.00


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Sign Up Pledge Ready or not With a little help from my friends Donated to self Stand by me 50% to fundraising target 75% to fundraising target Don't stop me now Let's get it started What a feeling I believe I can fly Share my page