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Raising Money For

To support the cause/Macmillan

2 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Karl Cyganik
Team Leader
Jasmine Bowring £0.00

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£10.00 from ian curnow

Gift Aid +£2.50

Good work Karl and just a bit jealous here.

£20.00 from Jane Pearce

Gift Aid +£5.00

Go Karl!

£20.00 from Gary Miller

A great cause....well done you!

Thanks very much, Gary :]

£10.00 from Kwok

Gift Aid +£2.50

Go Karl!

Cheers mate!

£5.18 from Laura Cyganik

Gift Aid +£1.30

Business at the front, party at the back!

Thank you, Lolly xxx

£20.70 from Rainer Kuhn

Gift Aid +£5.18
Thank you very much mate :)

£10.35 from Andrew McClune

Gift Aid +£2.59

Nice work Karl! Hope you reach your target (for the charity obviously but more importantly to see you grow it)

£20.70 from Kate

Gift Aid +£5.18

Go team! Can't wait to see the final results!

Thanks very much Kate!

£20.70 from Natasha Salter

Gift Aid +£5.18

Absolutely fantastic and worthy charity. This is a real personal one for me right now.
Well Done Karl - can't wait to see the Mullet!!

£5.18 from Chloe Mitchell

Gift Aid +£1.30

Well done and I'm looking forward to seeing the mullet!

Thanks very much Chloe!
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